Jordan Rizzieri is a podcast/audio producer and writer. Her specialties include sports journalism (especially soccer), narrative non-fiction, music storytelling, personal essays, and family histories.

Jordan grew up within listening distance of Scott Muni’s voice on WNEW in New York. She still lives there, near the ocean, with her golden retriever. When she’s not creating podcasts or writing, Jordan can be found walking Tobay Beach, standing too close to the stage at Amityville Music Hall, splitting a crunchwrap at Ruby Soho’s, or reading a book on the Long Island Railroad.

Loves: 80’s New Wave, tall boys of raspberry Arizona iced tea, Olimpicos, sending and receiving snail mail, and big fluffy dogs.

Dislikes: Oysters, the idea of guilty pleasures, software without an autosave function, and being late.

Currently spinning: “DAMN” by JOYRIDE; “Sticky” by Tyler, the Creator